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These books are different.

These books has special powers - and if you buy one, you'll have them too. They're funny, of course; there are jokes and choices in here to tickle the most stony-faced five or six year old.


But you'll also be improving the lives of children you'll never meet, because all profits from this book go to children's charities. These include the amazing work done by Chances for Children (Buttle UK) and Demelza Hospice Care – find out more below, and on their websites. 


Buy Awesome Jokes or Crazy Choices and make a difference.

Chances for Children (Buttle UK)

Small interventions can have a big impact. Buttle UK’s Chances for Children delivers support packages to meet the multiple needs of vulnerable children and young people.


Chances for Children meets immediate physical needs, such as a cooker or children’s beds. Without these essentials, children’s learning, self-esteem and well-being are all at risk. 


But with many families also experiencing domestic abuse, homelessness, addiction and illness, the charity also addresses children’s longer-term educational and emotional requirements. 


Find out more about Buttle UK's Chances for Children.

Demelza Hospice Care

We make sure children with serious or terminal conditions, and their families, aren't forgotten, alone or afraid. Demelza children’s hospice provides expert care to over 650 babies, children and young people aged 0-19 and 4,000 of their parents, brothers and sisters, and all those who love them completely free of charge, through respite care, therapies and end of life support.


From diagnosis, during day to day family life, in times of crisis and bereavement, we are there to help make lasting memories, even when life is short.



Find out more about Demelza Hospice Care.

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